You’ve found a B2B Copywriter who knows how to write persuasively…

Why is persuasive copy important for your business?

Because no one likes to be sold, regardless of the product or service.

Think back to when you were the recipient of a pushy sales pitch. Did you buy?

Probably not. Or if you did, it was a one-time purchase.

Sales is about building relationships, not burning them.

People want to be persuaded to read further, to click, to call, to buy…

Because they’re entering into a business relationship with a company they may not be familiar with.

They want to know if they can trust the company as well as the product or service.

Will the product or service fit their needs? Will they get support or service after the sale?

I can assure you of what you will get should we enter into a working relationship:

  • Integrity, first and foremost
  • Professionalism
  • Use of best practices in copywriting
  • Adherence to deadlines
  • Lots of ideas

I received my copywriting training from American Writers & Artists Institute, the industry leader in best practices for writing.

If you need help with your copy or content writing, count me in!

Perhaps you need white papers to make something complicated easy to understand.

Or you could use case studies to showcase your customers’ successes with your product or service.

Maybe an e-book could generate more leads for you.

Perhaps an explainer video can detail your process, and you need someone to write the script.

It would be nice to have emails tie everything together, wouldn’t it?

I also offer website audits and web copywriting.

If you’re focused directly on the sale, let me help you with your Sales Enablement materials, like emails, call scripts, and battlecards.

While I have personal experience with retail and manufacturing management and training, I can write on other topics as well.

Because my writing toolkit includes good questions, research, lots of ideas, and many great resources.

I invite you to check out one of my white paper samples here: White Paper.