3 Big Reasons Why You Should Choose Me

Reason #1: Team Player

In 2015, I facilitated and co-authored my first self-published book. The book was titled 15 Concise Strategies for Improved Communication.

I served as the Vice President of Public Relations in the PowerTalk Toastmasters Club back then. You see, there were so many incredibly talented people in the club. Why not each write a chapter for those who were interested? 

I and 11 other authors did just that, except I wrote four of the chapters to bring the total to 15.

If you have gotten the notion that I come up with lots of ideas, you’d be right. Think of what could happen if I gave you some viable ideas to work with in your company?

  • You might fill up your editorial calendars with no problem.
  • You might think of new products or services you could offer.
  • You could develop new ways to reach your target audience.

Why am I so confident about this? Because I work with you to achieve the success you desire.

Reason #2: Perseverance

In January, 2013, I pitched a column idea to the local newspaper editor. I thought  my writing could help reverse the number of suicides in the city at that time.

I’m not sure I had an impact on my original purpose. However, the monthly column morphed into the topics of communications and self-help.

Basically, if the topic could end with my tagline, “As always, I will strive to add a dose of realism, while putting some worth in your while,” it was good to go.

I faithfully placed a column every month from January, 2013, to May 7, 2020, the final day of the newspaper’s publication.

Perhaps you’ve struggled with getting ideas for writing copy and content.

It takes determination to come up with ideas regularly. It takes grit to create compelling copy and content consistently.

If you need a go-to writer rather than a one-and-done wonder, why not ask me for help?

Reason #3: Customer Service

In 2018, I self-published A Primer for a Self-Managed Condo Homeowners’ Association.

While I found other condo books online, none of those seemed relevant for my purpose.

You see, I had been a condo board member for my association since 2010 and did a lot of the work. I worried about how the association would be affected if something happened to me.

Rather than explaining processes on a regular basis, I decided to write a book that was specific enough to be useful for my association, yet general enough for a larger audience…without divulging confidential information.

Did you know that homeowner associations like mine typically do not pay board members?

If I could do this as a volunteer, imagine what I could produce for you as a copywriter!

You’d get a team player with perseverance, outstanding customer service, and lots of ideas.

As the Idea Generator, I invite you to touch base with me. I’d love to hear about your next project. Just click here to contact me. If you have additional questions, click here.

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