How I Write

Contact and Communications Policies

As we work together, it is important that we streamline our communication.

During our project, I will be available Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. CST. I use mornings for writing. By far, the best way to reach me is through email at We can always switch to a phone call, as needed. Periodically, I may be in a meeting, but I will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Discussing the Project

To get started with a potential project, we will set up a discovery call to explore how I can help you.

If we agree to work together, we’ll determine the goal you want to achieve and the scope of the project.

Next, I’ll give you a formal agreement for your review.

When the project is approved, I’ll start working on it.

During the project, you’ll receive updates, as agreed upon.

After the project, we’ll recap the results.

Investment and Getting Started

All specifics for deliverables, project deadlines, project investment, and terms of payment will be included in the Agreement. Please note that I require 50% of the project total investment to begin. You could either pay by direct deposit or by overnight check payment.

As soon as we have both signed the Agreement, I will begin working on your copy as agreed.


To ensure I maximize your results, I perform comprehensive research before I start writing. I completely review your website along with any other materials you send me. Then I will research the market and your competitors. If necessary, I will ask to talk with members of your team, such as customer service, past clients/customers, or various department heads.

I will reach out to you for additional resources, details, or product samples, as needed.

After I have completed the research phase, I will have a greater understanding for your product, your voice, and your customer’s emotional triggers.


I believe in effective communication for any project. This means I can work according to your preference. If you prefer to let me handle the project and only involve you when you need to review a draft, then that will be effective for that project. If instead, you prefer a more hands-on approach, I would be happy to communicate with the frequency you desire.

You would need to send me an email letting me know your preferred frequency of communication as well as how you would like to be contacted.

To streamline the communication, I require only one point of contact. Whomever you choose would then deal with others within your company, as needed.

Review of First Drafts

For most projects, you can expect to receive the first draft in 10-14 business days, depending on the size and scope. White papers, in particular, could take as long as 2 months, depending on the availability of interviewees and resource materials. The availability of interviewees may extend the time needed for case studies as well.

Once you get the first draft, I ask that you and any other team members review it carefully. You want to make sure the tone, message, and offer suit your needs. We can fine tune during additional drafts, as needed.

Please note, however, that our project re-writes will need to fall within the scope of the project as outlined in our Agreement. If the direction or the scope changes, it will be considered a new project. Then, an additional investment on your part would apply.


After you review the initial draft, it is likely you will want some things changed. Please note those changes using the track change feature in Word.

I will review all of your suggested changes within 24 hours of your submitting them to me. I will make my adjustments within 2-4 business days, depending on the breadth and complexity of your suggested changes.

In all cases, I recognize that these are your customers and will defer to you as much as possible.

Sometimes, there are cases where clients make suggestions that I know will not work and will hurt profits. In those cases, you can expect me to be direct in my feedback. When clients insist on changes that I feel will not work, I always recommend a simple A/B split test to let the market decide.

Additional Reviews

I want you to be happy with the finished product. Therefore, we can continue to fine tune the copy until it’s right. In many cases, one round of changes is enough. With each additional round, the number of requested changes typically decreases. I suspect we could get to a final copy within 1-3 business days.

Final Approval

Once all revisions are done, I will submit a final draft to you. At this point, you approve the copy by sending me an email stating that everything is ready for distribution.

Once I receive this final approval from you, I will invoice you for the remaining 50% of the project investment. The invoice is due upon receipt. I will make every effort to be prompt in responding to your requests and assume that, as a professional, you will do the same with my invoices.

In most cases, the final copy is sent to a designer for formatting. I strongly encourage you to send me a PDF of the final version. I will double check that any graphical elements added by your design team enhance the copy and make it more effective.

If I see something that is distracting and may hurt your response rates, I’ll be direct in letting you know. If requested, I’m happy to work with your design team to make any changes needed to make the end version as effective as possible.

Transition to New Projects

Once the project is done, I provide all of my clients with a complimentary follow-up consultation. We spend a few minutes on the phone and discuss what went well and where improvements can be made.

Where appropriate, we map out a new project to ensure that you continue to have excellent copy that meets your goals and grows your business.